Lunken Airport Saw Cutting
Client: Dugan Myers

Dependable and safety conscious
For over 10 years, Tim Dugan of Dugan Myers has relied on Midwest Construction. Specifically, the team at Midwest completed a saw cutting job at Lunken Airport that impressed Dugan. “They were dependable, safety conscious, and did not need to be watched over after the work for the day was discussed.”

While providing a quality finished product is important, it is equally important for schedules to be met, and communication to be clear. Dugan knows that Russ Thomas, President of Midwest Construction, and his team understand that. “Communication is never an issue. Russ has a foreman on every job, and an operations manager who handles the manpower for the projects.”

Services provided:

  • Saw cutting
  • 25,000 lineal feet of 10” thick concrete saw cut, removed and recycled

“[The team at Midwest] were dependable, safety conscious, and did not need to be watched over after the work for the day was discussed.”

- Tim Dugan, Dugan Myers